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All about Sarah

Sarah and Connor live in Ontario, Canada with their beautiful daughter, Camilla, and their angel daughter, Georgia, who passed away in July of 2023 just before her 4th birthday.


The word "suffering" was just a concept to them before their second daughter was born. Georgia had an ultra rare genetic condition, Lesch-Nyhan Disease, and suffered greatly throughout her short life. She required around the clock care due to her self-injury behaviour, severe dystonia, reflux, pain management, and incontinence. The level of care needed was extremely high and the hardship the family endured was deeply painful.


They walked through what felt like endless dark valleys - leaning on Jesus, family, and friends. They learned so much from other disability families and built community with people they never would have met if it wasn't for their children's illnesses.


When Georgia died, they experienced the beauty and sacredness of mourning and of being mourned with. The Bible calls us all to mourn with those who mourn but, what does that looks like in real-life, practical ways? This is something that's very near and dear to Sarah's heart and one thing that will be talked about a lot on here.


The goal for Mourn With Me is to provide hope, resources, and insight for those enduring grief and empower those surrounding a mourning person with practical ways to grieve with and show up.


There is no way around grief but through it and you are invited on this journey with her.

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