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Not Just A Room...

This beautiful space was made for Georgia. It was made possible by the incredible generosity of so many people. Money, time, skilled trades, supplies - almost all were donated to make this special room for our Georgie girl.

It was a blessing to us then - it gave our backs a much needed break from lifting Georgie up the stairs & from bathing her in a tub that wasn’t designed for her needs. Plus, it gave us easy access to all her meds & it kept her older sister from waking up to her cries.

It was everything we needed plus beauty & function, all wrapped in one. 

What. A. Blessing.

When Georgia was with us, a lot of days held a weight that I’ll never be able to fully describe. A lot of times, those days would snowball into weeks and, often, into months. When that happened, Connor would send me away for a 24 hour respite. He’d book me an Air BnB and I would sleep, pray, cry, journal & breathe. 

That time away was life-giving. I’d come back ready to face all the same challenges again but with new energy & perspective. 

The sad reality was that our home wasn’t a sanctuary. In all honesty, some days our home felt like a prison. A prison of cries we couldn’t soothe, meds that needed to be given, never ending laundry, running to do lists, & hard decisions that needed to be made. 

We know this reality is shared by so many disability moms. When your home isn’t a haven, breathing doesn’t come easily & resting doesn’t happen. The solution is going away but that costs money, which is just another stressor to add on to the guilt of leaving your family for any length of time.

When Georgia died, we knew we wanted to bless people with the abundance that had been given to us, because of Georgie…and that led us to the name of a foundation - Georgia’s Harvest. 

Georgia’s Harvest will be many things in the future but, right now, it’ll start as a landing place for disability moms in the Hamilton/Niagara Region. A place that’ll provide rest, peace, & comfort, free of charge. 

We are so honoured to be able to welcome moms to this space to breathe & take a load off. 

If you are a local, disability mama, please email me. Let’s get you booked in. ❤️

For those who would like to support Georgia's Harvest, we would love your help.  We provide groceries and lavish baskets for our mamas during their stay.  We have created a Wishlist on amazon for the supplies needed.

Alternatively, if Amazon isn't your thing, you can send an e-transfer to and the funds will be put towards food/baskets for these incredible moms.  


We so appreciate each and every contribution - no matter how big or small.

Thank you!

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